memory of Howard

I am glad you came to me, for with you Came friendship and understanding.

you came for wisdom; but my wisdom came From having lived-there is no other wisdom Than that of knowing all that time can give: Proud, with dignity, clear-eyed, laughing To welcome the world as a friend;

The world lies before you, an enchanted land Where one can find peace to weigh his worth.

Love always comes in its quiet way To kindle pride, give comfort,

And quiet as a silent street at night Follow wherever one's feet may lead.

Somewhere-it may be Rome, Paris, or homeAs though rising from depths, one will awake And give again what is left of love.

Make new friends of those now strangers.

And since love has no habitation, but body and mind, Nothing of this can change. After one love has gone, Almost strangely one learns to live on alone.

You are of those people whose hearts are woven

Of sensitive joy, marvelously washed with sorrow,

Swift to mirth, whom life has made kind, not bitter.

Dawn was yours, sunset, waters blown by changing winds, The colors of earth, the sharp green of firs.

You are among those who proudly befriended,

Who felt the stir of wonder,

And all these you have loved: the Moroccan coast,

Learned to sit alone, to find beauty in a flock

Of grey birds flying from a tower,
